
Financial statements describe the financial condition and results of operations of a company or institution at a certain time or for a certain period of time. The types of financial statements commonly known are: balance sheet or income statement, or business results, cash flow statement, statement of changes in financial position. There are many errors and a lack of media information for analysts on financial reports so that financial reporting data can be manipulated and harm customers or consumers. This type of research is field research using a quantitative descriptive approach. From the research results, it can be seen that the consumer's decision to choose a bank in the high category is 3 people (11.11%) with a value of 52.12 and above. The sample that got the moderate category was 18 people (66.67%), namely the value ranged from 48.1 to 52.12 and the sample that got the low category was 6 people (22.22%), namely a value of 48.1 and below. So thus it can be concluded that the consumer's decision to choose a bank seen from its financial statements can be categorized as moderate.


  • Salah satu tugas penting manajemen atau investor setelah akhir tahun adalah menganalisis laporan keuangan perusahaan

  • it can be seen that the consumer's decision to choose a bank in the high category is

  • it can be concluded that the consumer's decision to choose a bank seen from

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17 Penyisihan kerugian penghapusan Aktiva non JUMLAH AKTIVA

Hal ini sesuai dengan fungsi manajer keuangan misalnya, merencanakan, mencari, memanfaatkan dana-dana perusahaan dan memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan. Simpanan dari bank lain Utang : a. Istishna Kewajiban kepada bank lain Pembiayaan yang diterima Utang Pajak Estimasi Kerugian Komitmen dan Kontjensi Pinjaman yang diterima Kewajiban lainnya Pinjaman subordinasi Surat berharga yang diterbitkan. Dana syirkah temporer dari bukan bank: a. BANK SYARIAH MANDIRI Tbk Laporan Laba Rugi Periode: 1 Januari 2011 s.d 31 Oktober 2011 (dalam ribuan rupiah)

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