
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of blood service quality variables consisting of Responsiveness (Responsiveness) (X1), Assurance (Assurance) (X2), Tangible (Physical Evidence) (X3), Empathy (empathy) ( X4), and Reality (Reliability) (X5) have an influence on Consumer Satisfaction (Variable Y) at UTD PMI Kab. Kediri. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection methods in the form of a questionnaire with a sample of 70 respondents who came to UTD PMI Kab. Kediri. The results showed that of the 5 blood service quality variables, there was 1 variable that had no effect on customer satisfaction (Y), namely the Tangible (Physical Evidence) variable (X3) and the variable that had the most influence on customer satisfaction (Y) was the Empathy variable (empathy) (X4 ).


  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of blood service quality variables consisting of Responsiveness (Responsiveness) (X1), Assurance (Assurance) (X2), Tangible (Physical Evidence) (X3), Empathy ( X4), and Reality (Reliability) (X5) have an influence on Consumer Satisfaction (Variable Y) at Unit Transfusi Darah (UTD) Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Kab

  • The results showed that of the 5 blood service quality variables, there was 1 variable that had no effect on customer satisfaction (Y), namely the Tangible (Physical Evidence) variable (X3) and the variable that had the most influence on customer satisfaction (Y) was the Empathy variable (empathy) (X4 )

  • Hasil pengujian tersebut dapat di ketahui bahwa variabel kualitas pelayanan darah yang terdiri dari Responsiveness (Daya Tanggap) (X1), Assurance Jaminan/Kepastian) (X2), Empathy (Empati) (X4), dan Realibility (Kehandalan) (X5) memiliki pengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Variabel Y) di Unit Transfusi Darah (UTD) Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Kab. Kediri

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Jenis kelamin Laki - laki

Validitas adalah suatu indeks yang menunjukkan alat ukur itu benar-benar mengukur apa yang diukur. Untuk mengetahui apakah kuesioner yang kita susun tersebut mampu mengukur apa yang hendak kita ukur, maka perlu diuji dengan uji korelasi antara skors (nilai) tiap-tiap item (pertanyaan) dengan skor total kuesioner tersebut. Bila semua pertanyaan itu mempunyai korelasi yang bermakna, berarti semua item pertanyaan yang ada dalam kuesioner itu mengukur konsep yang kita ukur (Notoatmodjo,2014). Hasil uji validitas penelitian ini tertera pada table 2. 1. Petugas dengan cepat melayani pasien 0,757623 0,514 atau pendonor yang baru datang

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