
Dengue (Dengue) is a vector bone disease caused by aedes aegepty mosquitoes. The purpose of this research is to know the relation between air humidity level factor with Dengue Fever epidemic that happened in Regency and Serang city. This research is a descriptive research with quantitative method that aims to know and show relationship between air humidity level with cases of dengue fever disease (DBD). This study was conducted in Serang Regency, using quantitative data obtained from the Meteorology and Clinical Geophysics Agency of Serang Regency and Banten Provincial Health Office. Data processing is done by computer through SPSS program and Microsoft Excel. The result of analysis with bivariate test shows that air humidity has relationship between dengue fever case occurrence in Serang regency, with r value = 0,408 and p-value = 0,007.

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