
The Padang City is one of the cities that still provides angkot as one of the public transportation mode services. Most of users of this mode are students and students. City transportation routes in the city of Padang are spread to various parts of the city of Padang with the central center of movement from the Pasar Raya Padang. However, since the presence of Tans Padang in January 2014, city transportation modes have started to have new competitors. Since July 2022 Corridor V has been serving a new route, namely Corridor of Indarung - Pasar Raya Padang. This study aims to describe the characteristics of travelers in choosing the mode and explore the factors that influence travelers in choosing the mode of transportation. Data collection methods are carried out by surveys and interviews. The variables reviewed include aspects of travel convenience, travel safety, travel time and travel costs. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression methods. Based on characteristic analysis data, it is known that 54.5% of mode users have income at an average level (Rp. 1,000,000 – 3,000,000). For users of this mode, the travel time variable (47.25%), the travel cost variable (43.25%), the travel convenience variable (36%), and the travel safety variable (8.25%) are still the factors that are the main considerations in choosing the mode. Keywords: City Transport, trans padang, mode of transportation.

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