
Breast cancer is one of the highest causes of death among women, this disease ranks second cause of death after lung cancer. According to the world health organization, 1 million women get a diagnosis of breast cancer every year and half of them die, in general this is due to early treatment and slow treatment resulting in new cancers being detected after entering the final stage. In the field of health and medicine, machine learning-based classification has been carried out to help doctors and health professionals in classifying the types of cancer, to determine which treatment measures should be performed. In this study breast cancer classification will be carried out using the Naive Bayes algorithm to group the types of cancer. The dataset used is from the Wisconsin breast cancer database. The results of this study are the ability of the Naive Bayes algorithm for the classification of breast cancer produces a good value, where the average percentage of correctly classified data reaches 96.9% and the average percentage of data is classified as incorrect only 3.1%. While the level of effectiveness of classification with naive bayes is high, where the average value of precision and recall is around 0.96. The highest precision and recall values are when the test data uses a percentage split of 40% with the respective values reaching 0.974 and 0.973.

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