
In this study, clustering data on STMIK STIKOM Indonesia alumni using the Fuzzy C-Means and Fuzzy Subtractive methods. The method used to test the validity of the cluster is the Modified Partition Coefficient (MPC) and Classification Entropy (CE) index. Clustering is carried out with the aim of finding hidden patterns or information from a fairly large data set, considering that so far the alumni data at STMIK STIKOM Indonesia have not undergone a data mining process. The results of measuring cluster validity using the Modified Partition Coefficient (MPC) and Classification Entropy (CE) index, the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering algorithm has a higher level of validity than the Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering algorithm so it can be said that the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm performs the cluster process better than with the Fuzzy Subtractive method in clustering alumni data. The number of clusters that have the best fitness value / the most optimal number of clusters based on the CE and MPC validity index is 5 clusters. The cluster that has the best characteristics is the 1st cluster which has 514 members (36.82% of the total alumni). With the characteristics of having an average GPA of 3.3617, the average study period is 7.8102 semesters and an average TA work period of 4.9596 months.

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