
Waqf is one of the Islamic organizations that are social, religious worth, and as devotion to God Almighty. Historically, endowments is an instrument Maliyah , which as it pertained to the teachings of Shariah that is sacred and holy, but the understanding and implementation of these endowments belonging to the fiqh (humanitarian efforts); Therefore, it can be understood that the practice and realization of the endowments are closely related to realistas and interests of people in each of the Muslim countries (including Indonesia). Waqf continues to develop significant paradigm along with adjustments to the rules that are ijtihadi and application of endowments in certain areas with the dimensions of the ever-changing history. One pesantren in Indonesia has implemented a system of endowments, but in addition to implementing a productive waqf system, they also adopted a system that is not a lot of mental endowments we have encountered in Indonesia and in various countries. Waqf property type is not only eternal, but many do not know, it kind of waqf property there is impermanent nature, the soul.

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