
Gadjah Mungkur Reservoir is one of the multipurpose reservoirs built by damming the flow of the Bengawan Solo River. The Gadjah Mungkur Reservoir has existed for a long time with the main purpose of controlling flooding, but over time, this reservoir is also useful as a hydropower plant, irrigation, and also to meet the raw water needs of Wonogiri City. The potential of the Gadjah Mungkur Reservoir itself in meeting the needs of drinking water is an essential function in the people’s life around the reservoir. Therefore, the expansion of the scope of providing drinking water can be used to develop the potential of the Gadjah Mungkur Reservoir. This coverage expansion was realized through the construction of the Wosusokas intake and transmission pipeline network to drinking water receiving areas, namely Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Solo, and Karanganyar, with service coverage of drinking water access resepectively ±78,38, ±70,97%, ±81,85%, and ±70,97%. This study aims to analyze the water availability of the Gadjah Mungkur Reservoir with additional coverage for drinking water services. The method used is a simple reservoir routing calculation by processing secondary data obtained in the form of inflow, outflow, and reservoir storage characteristics. The results of the analysis show that elevation variations with the construction of the Wosusokas intake and transmission pipeline have an annual average of +132,56 m in 2017, with a reservoir storage volume reaching 216,27 MCM and +134,29 m in 2018, with a reservoir storage volume reaching 284,92 MCM. However, there are some elevation values that exceed +138,0 m, namely at February to March 2018. However, overall, the results of the analysis show that the Wosusokas construction can increase the potential utilization of the Gadjah Mungkur Reservoir without endangering the reservoir with water level fluctuations that can still be controlled and in accordance with the regulation of reservoir water level.


  • Gadjah Mungkur Reservoir is one of the multipurpose reservoirs built by damming the flow of the Bengawan Solo River

  • This study aims to analyze the water availability of the Gadjah Mungkur Reservoir with additional coverage for drinking water services

  • The results of the analysis show that elevation variations with the construction of the Wosusokas intake and transmission pipeline have an annual average of +132,56 m in 2017, with a reservoir storage volume reaching [216,27] MCM and +134,29 m in 2018, with a reservoir storage volume reaching [284,92] MCM

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Waduk Gadjah Mungkur atau lebih dikenal dengan Waduk Wonogiri merupakan salah satu waduk serbaguna yang berada di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solo, dengan luas Daerah Tangkapan Air (DTA) 1.350 km. Oleh karenanya dibangun proyek pembangunan closure dike di dalam waduk untuk mengatasi permasalahan sedimentasi tersebut. Adanya pembangunan closure dike tersebut diharapkan menjadi solusi yang tepat sehingga air waduk dapat dimanfaatkan dengan lebih maksimal, REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development, Vol 2(2), September 2021 termasuk juga dalam pemanfaatan pembangunan intake dan jaringan pipa transmisi Wosusokas. Adanya pembangunan closure dike sebagai solusi dalam permasalahan sedimentasi Waduk Gadjah Mungkur sejalan dengan rencana pembangunan jaringan pipa transmisi Wosusokas. Pembangunan closure dike tidak memiliki pengaruh apapun terhadap alokasi pembagian air yang diberikan kepada daerah-daerah yang mendapat air baku dari jaringan pipa transmisi Wosusokas. Pengambilan air Wosusokas tetap mengandalkan ketersediaan air dari Waduk Gadjah Mungkur, oleh karenanya perhitungan ketersediaan air disesuaikan dengan adanya pembangunan intake dan jaringan pipa transmisi Wosusokas dikarenakan fungsi waduk bertambah

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