
The purpose of this study is to find suitable pond areas for salt ponds. Modeling in GIS,site selection studies are appropriate for industrial salt farms. Geographic InformationSystem modeling can predict ponds that are appropriate and not appropriate for industrialsalt ponds. The model used in this study is the index model. In Suharyadi and Danoedoro(2004) explained that index modeling involves the use of scores for each different category.this model can be applied to GIS Vector or raster. Overlaying maps involves arithmeticcalculation processes, either amount, subtraction, multiplication or division. The index orscore possessed by the new mapping unit on the derived map illustrates the combinedconditions of various criteria used as the basis for decision making. The results of theanalysis found that the area that was very suitable for salt ponds reached 1716.58 ha or81.97% of the area of ponds in Pangkep Regency. Areas that are not suitable for salt pondsreach 377.48 ha or reach 18.03%. from pond area. . Fishponds suitable for industrial saltfarms are found in areas close to the coastline

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