
Errors are mistakes made by students in finding solutions to problems. Errors made by students will result in learning outcomes. Based on the results of interviews with Mathematics teachers at Al-Mizan High School Surabaya, 35% of students in class X Sciences and 90% of students in class X Social Sciences experienced a remission on the SPLTV (Three Variable Linear Equation System) material. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to describe the location and causes of errors of Al-Mizan Surabaya High School students in working on SPLTV story problems and developing solutions. Many research subjects are 4 people with the criteria of students indicated to make the most errors and varied. Data is collected by giving questions and interviews. Error analysis in this study uses the Newman’s Error Analysis (NEA) method. The results of this study indicate that students of class X Sciences of SMA Al-Mizan Surabaya experienced errors in reading questions (with indicators not finding, not explaining, or wrong in writing keywords in questions), transformation (with indicators unsuccessful in writing mathematical sentences of questions) , and process skills (with indicators unsuccessful in writing the correct solution according to procedure) in solving SPLTV story problems. The factors that cause the Al-Mizan Surabaya High School students to make mistakes are because they do not understand the meaning of the keywords, one of which is related to the word more than, not right in the algebraic arithmetic operations, and not focus on workmanship. The solution to these problems includes the teacher teaching how to identify which objects are larger or smaller and then by the difference of the number of two objects can be made a linear equation. Students are asked to interpret the questions correctly, students are expected to focus on working on the problems to avoid carelessness, the teacher teaching the prerequisite material from SPLTV. Keywords: Error, Newman’s Error Analysis, SPLTV.


  • PENDAHULUAN Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi dalam kehidupan

  • The results of this study indicate that students of class X Sciences of SMA AlMizan Surabaya experienced errors in reading questions (with indicators not finding, not explaining, or wrong in writing keywords in questions), transformation (with indicators unsuccessful in writing mathematical sentences of questions), and process skills (with indicators unsuccessful in writing the correct solution according to procedure) in solving SPLTV story problems

  • 3. Solusi alternatif untuk meminimumkan kesalahan peserta didik SMA Al-Mizan Surabaya dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita yang berkaitan dengan SPLTV di antaranya guru mengajarkan cara mengidentifikasi objek mana yang banyaknya lebih besar atau lebih kecil lalu dengan selisih dari banyaknya dua objek dapat dibuat persamaan linear

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PENDAHULUAN Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi dalam kehidupan. Pendidikan mempengaruhi pola pikir seseorang untuk melakukan perbaikan dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Faktor-faktor yang mendukung peneliti untuk mengambil materi SPLTV diantaranya terdapat fakta di SMA Al-Mizan Surabaya bahwa sebagian besar peserta didik mendapat nilai kurang dari KKM yang ditetapkan sekolah dan berdasarkan guru pengajar peserta didik mengalami kesulitan dalam mentransformasi dari soal cerita ke kalimat matematika. Pada penelitian ini akan dianalisis dan dideskripsikan mengenai letak kesalahan, penyebab kesalahan, dan solusi alternatif agar peserta didik terhindar dari kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita materi SPLTV secara kualitatif.

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