
The plasma farmer assessment of the company is very important in supporting the sustainability of the partnership relationship. The index of satisfaction is the difference between perceived performance and expectations. The purpose of this study is the evaluation and analysis of chicken business and the measurement of the Customer Satisfactory Indexs (SCI) of plasma farmers in partnership in Kampar Regency, Riau Province. This research is a descriptive study using survey research methods on plasma farmers who partner with poultry companies. It consists of 30 plasma farmers in partnership with foreign capital companies, 10 plasma farmers in partnership with multi-national companies and 6 plasma farmers in partnership with local companies, which were taken by purposive sampling design. Likert scale is used to describe the characteristics of farmers, business characteristics and variable indexes of satisfaction with company performance. The dominant characteristics of broiler partnership plasma farmers in Kampar Regency were: successful broiler farming > 4 years, have partnered for > 2 years, the reason for partnering to want a client, get sources of information directly from the partnership company, chicken farming age 35-36 days with harvest weight 1.7-1.8 kg and mortality <3%. The conclusion of this study is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of foreign capital company partnership services of 73.38% (satisfied), multi-national company partnerships of 74.08% (satisfied). While local company partnerships had a CSI of 57.66% or neutral/ ordinary criteria.


  • Kemitraan merupakan salah satu usaha pembinaan untuk memberdayakan peternak kecil dengan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan, terutama dalam penyediaan sarana prasarana peternakan

  • The plasma farmer assessment of the company is very important in supporting the sustainability of the partnership relationship

  • The index of satisfaction is the difference between perceived performance and expectations

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Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Kampar pada bulan September-Desember 2018. Pemilihan lokasi dan sampel peternak dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive sampling), dengan pertimbangan bahwa Kabupaten Kampar memiliki populasi ayam pedaging terbesar dan lokasi peternak yang mudah dijangkau. Kriteria sampel yang digunakan adalah peternak plasma yang telah bermitra minimal 1 periode dan memiliki populasi minimal 5.000 ekor ayam pedaging. Sampel juga dibedakan atas tingkatan perusahaan kemitraan, yaitu penanaman modal asing (PMA), multinasional dan lokal. Terdapat 46 sampel peternak plasma yang terpilih, dengan rincian : 30 Peternak plasma kemitraan perusahaan modal asing, selanjutnya disebut KMA. 10 Peternak plasma kemitraan perusahaan multi nasional atau KMN. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif menggunakan metode penelitian survei pada peternak plasma yang bermitra dengan perusahaan peternakan. Penelitian survei adalah pengumpulan data primer dengan cara melakukan wawancara atau tanya jawab dengan responden.

Pelayanan Pascapanen
Jurnal Peternakan
Karakteristik Usaha Ternak
Alasan utama bermitra
Sumber informasi mengenai kemitraan
Pengetahuan dan pemahaman tantang peraturan kemitraan
Umur panen
Bobot badan ayam siap panen
Mortalitas per periode
Pemberian kompensasi Total
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