
Early reading skills are basic reading skills that low-grade students should have. These early reading skills include recognising letters and some essential words that low-grade students should begin to master. This research aims to quantitatively describe the early reading skills of low-grade students at public primary school 10 Tanjung Kedabu. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method. The stages, namely: formulating the problem, determining the theoretical basis, making hypotheses, collecting data, analysing data, and drawing conclusions. The research respondents totalled 22 students, consisting of 10 male students and 12 female students. The data collection technique used was observation of students' early reading skills. The results showed that the initial reading ability of male students was almost the same as the initial reading ability of female students in the lower grades. Both groups of students had almost the same mean score of initial reading ability (72.90% for the male group, and 74.75% for the female group). Both groups of students were in high category. Future researchers are expected to research other initial skills that can complement the results of this research to be more complete. Basic literacy could be one of the options that could be adopted. Teachers and parents need to collaborate so that the student's guardianship reaches a very high category when the student moves on to grade 2.

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