
The aims of this study is to determine the ability of class VIII students at MTs Jamilurrahman As-Salafy Yogyakarta in Arabic. Arabic is one of the main subjects in this madrasah, and the mastery of four Arabic language skills. The four skills are listening (istima'), speaking (kalam), reading (qiroah), and writing (kitabah) are very important in the learning process. The research method used was my research with a descriptive approach. Data were obtained through written and oral Arabic tests conducted on students of class VIII. The test results were categorised into several score ranges, and the students' Arabic language skills were analysed based on the predicates obtained. The results showed that most of the students had deficient Arabic language skills, with 48% of the total students being at the predicate of "Deficient". A total of 21% of students got the predicate "Very Good," 19% of students got the predicate "Good," and 12% of students got the predicate "Fair." The study also noted factors that influence students' Arabic language proficiency, including learning methods, textbooks, materials, educational institutions and time. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Jamilurrahman As-Salafy Putri Yogyakarta plays an important role in shaping students' Arabic language skills, but there are challenges in improving overall Arabic language skills. This study provides an understanding of the status of students' Arabic language skills at MTs Jamilurrahman As-Salafy Putri Yogyakarta and shows the importance of developing Arabic language learning at the madrasah.

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