
Common problem in power transformers is the emergence of operational failure, whether the failure ofboth thermal and electrical failures. Thermal and electrical failures generally produce hazardous gases, known asfault gas. Most power transformers that use insulating oil as a coolant also serves other than to dissolve theharmful gases in order not to circulate freely. Identify the type and amount of dissolved gas concentration in theoil, to provide information to the indication of failure that occurs in the transformer. Methods for identifying andanalyzing the gases dissolved in the oil referred to as DGA (Dissolved Gas in Oil Analysis). IEEE std. C57.104 -1991 set a Total Dissolved Combustible Gas (TDCG) of ≤ 720 part per million (ppm) as a normal condition.Having analyzed both through tools and through manual calculation, Wärtsilä transformer no. 2, with thecapacity of 2000 kVA; 20 kV / 0.4 kV; Dyn5; 3 phase, 50 Hz; brand Starlit, and PLN transformer no 5 B, with thecapacity of 2000 kVA; 20 kV / 0.4 kV; Dyn5; 3 phase, 50 Hz; Unindo brand, has exceeded a predetermined limitthe IEEE std. C57.104 - 1991, with a tool TDCG 4055 ppm for Wärtsilä transformer No. 2 and 6766 ppm fortransformer PLN no 5 B. While manually TDCG 3781 ppm for Wärtsilä transformer No. 2 and 6313 ppm for PLNtransformer no 5 B. From analysis through tools and manual calculation obtained the same results by IEEE std.C57.104 - 1991 and confirmed on condition of Wärtsilä no. 3 for Transformers no.2 and PLN transformercondition no. 4 to 5B

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