
Increasingly fierce competition make quality becomes a more value in the eyes of consumers. Keeping quality of being a need for companies to be able to stay in business. PT. Holi Mina Jaya is an Indonesian company that is engaged in marine fish processing. One of the flagship products offered are Fillet Skin On Red Mullet. The purpose of this study was to identify factors disability that occurs in the product Red Mullet Fillet Skin On analysis of the seven basic tools of quality and propose improvements to the failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). The study focused on the stages of production that have a direct impact on the finished products includes receiving, filleting, and washing. This study uses five of the seven basic quality tools, which flow charts, check sheets, histograms, cause and effect diagram and Pareto charts to identify defects. For quality improvement proposals using FMEA method by finding the value of the RPN (Risk Priority Number), have described the RPN value calculation by multiplying the value of Severity, Occurrence and Detection. Highest cause of any kind of disability, like any form of meat are less scrupulous employees, and skilled with the value of RPN 120, not fresh fish product defects are less rigorous sorting process HR RPN value by 54, and the last meat is not clean of thorns is less scrupulous employees with RPN at 36.


  • Fierce competition make quality becomes a more value in the eyes of consumers

  • Cause and effect diagram atau diagram Ishikawa atau juga sering disebut fishbone diagram adalah sebuah teknik skematik yang digunakan untuk mengetahui letak-letak masalah kualitas yang mungkin terjadi (Heizer dan Render. 2009:318)

  • Evaluasi Kecacatan Cangkang Kapsul Lunak Vitamin A 200.000 IU Dengan Analisis The Basic Seven Tools of Quality Dan Usulan Perbaikannya Menggunkan Metode failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) Di PT

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Modes and Effect Analysis

PENDAHULUAN Tidak diragukan lagi persaingan di dunia bisnis semakin ketat. Persaingan bukan hanya ditingkat regional saja melainkan sudah memasuki ranah internasional. Untuk itu perusahaan dituntut agar dapat menghasilkan barang secara efektif dan efisien. Dengan begitu dapat menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif yang bisa digunakan untuk bersaing dengan perusahaan lain. Banyak manfaat dari efektifitas dan efisiensi produksi mencakup pengurangan biaya, peningkatan produktivitas, pertumbuhan pangsa pasar, retensi pelanggan, pengurangan waktu siklus, pengurangan defect (cacat), dan pengembangan produk/jasa (Pande, et al, 2003)

Andi Trias Aryanto Tuwanku Aria Auliandri
LANDASAN TEORI Definisi Kualitas
Tindakan perbaikan
Total Kecacatan
Histogram Jenis Kecacatan Produk Fillet Skin On Red Mullet
Pengecekan dengan termometer
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