
The watershed (DAS) is an ecological system in which biotic and abiotic elements interact with each other. Watershed Management is expected to have an economic impact on people living within it without ignoring the sustainability and balance aspects of the watershed ecosystem itself. This study aims to determine the needs of water in the sub-watershed Kusambi Batulicin watershed. The targeted results will obtain the water balance suitability data based on the water balance, obtain the data of the population residing around the research area, and obtain the land based water management model. The method used to obtain the data is done by descriptive quantitative (primary data and data secondary). From Class Unit land for water availability is determined using runoff coefficient method based on land use information and annual rainfall data. The water requirement is calculated from the conversion to the population's viable living needs. This research uses the approach of the ecological area of Watershed (DAS) which process analysis and presentation is done spatially by utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. The result of the research is that the water needs of the people of Tanah Bumbu Regency = (826.352.700/23.340)/365 = 97 liters/person/day, water requirement = (97.229 x 97 x 365)/1.000)/1.000.000 = 3,44 million m3/year. The amount of water required for fisheries in Kusambi sub-waters is 15 liters/second/hectare, and water requirements = ((1,13 x 15 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 180)/1.000)/.1000.000 = 0,53 million m3/year, and the water supply of the Batulicin Watershed Cusambi Sub-watershed with total water needs is still relatively surplus.


  • Merupakan suatu sistem ekologis dimana unsur-unsur biotik dan abiotik berinteraksi antara satu dengan lainnya

  • This study aims to determine the needs of water in the sub-watershed Kusambi Batulicin watershed

  • Region of Cameroon and ItsImplication for Development. Journal of Sustainable Development. 5(9): 75–84. Aliran Sungai. Program Pascasarjana. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. Paimin, Sukresno dan Pramono, I. B. Hutan dan Konservasi Alam. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan. Tropenbos Internasional Indonesia, Balikpapan. Andi Offset. Rustiadi. E. B. Barus, Prastowo, L. O. S

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Metode perbandingan ketersediaan dan kebutuhan Air

Perhitungan untuk wilayh dministrasi diperoleh dengan cara “menormalisasi” hasil perhitungan berdasarkan wilayah ekologis, dalam hal ini daerah aliran sungai yang menjadi dasar bagi perhitungan ketersediaan sumber daya air secara alamai. Perhitungan Ketersediaan (supply) Air. Perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode koefisien limpasan yang dimodifikasi dari metode rasional, dengan rumus:. Keterangan : SA = Ketersediaan air (m3/tahun) C = Koefisien limpasan tertimbang Ci = Koefisien limpasan penggunaan lahan i Ai = Luas penggunaan lahan i (ha) dari data BPS atau daerah dalam angka, atau dari data Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) R = Rata-rata ljabar curah hujan tahunan wilayah (mm/tahunan) dari data BPS atau BMG atau dinas terkait setempat Ri = Curah hujan tahunan pada stasiun i M = Jumlah stasiun pengamatan curah hujan A = Luas wilayah (ha) 10 = Faktor konversi dari mm. Kriteria status daya dukung lingkungan berbasis neraca air tidak cukup dinyatakan dengan “suplay-defisit” saja, namun untuk menunjukkan besaran relatif, perlu juga dinyatakan dengan nilai “rasio supply/demand” (Rustiadi et al.,, 2010). Kriteria penetapan status daya dukung lingkungan dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut: Tabel 2.

Kebutuhan Air di Sub DAS Kusambi
Kebutuhan Air Domestik
Kebutuhan Air Pertanian
Kebutuhan Air Perikanan
Kebutuhan Air Industri
Proyeksi Kebutuhan Air
Ketersediaan Air di Sub DAS Kusambi
Ketersediaan Aliran Sungai
Neraca Air Sub DAS Kusambi
Region of Cameroon and Its
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