
ABSTRACT Every year there are 39 million of infant newborn at risk of being born with low intellectual capacity due to iodine deficiency. Meanwhile, there are 5 percen of pregnant women who have increased TSH and TPO-Ab level.The consequences of Iodine deficiency can be prevented if pregnant women in adequate iodine intake early. Abundant and inexpensive source of iodine is salt iodization. Unfortunatelly, iodine concentration in salt iodization can be decreased due to time and conditions of storage, and type of salt. The aim of this study is to determine iodine content in Salt iodization that stored in different containers for six days of storage. The type of study was descriptive study. Sample is salt iodization were obtained from the grocery store by taking randomly and brands that are widely used in Palu city and its surroundings. Storage container of salt iodization consist of two namely plastic and glass jar. Each container consist of transparent and non transparent jars. Storage of sample is carried out for six days and analysis of iodine content was carried out on day 0, day 2, day 4 and day 6 of storage. The result of study showed that both glass and plastic container decreased iodium content in salt. The largest median of percentage reduction in iodine content occurred in transparent plastic and glass container, in 9,49 and 4,74% respectively. However, median of percentage reduction in non-transparent plastic and glass container, in 4,99 and 3,18%, respectively. For 2 days of storage, the largest median of percentage reduction in iodine content found in transparent plastic container which is 4,77%. Conclusion: The best storage of iodization salt is it in non-transparent container.

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