
Iklima AS et al, 2019. Analysis of N-Nitrogen (Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitric) and Phosphate at Teluk Pandan’s water territorial, Lampung Province. JLSO 8(1):57-66.Teluk Pandan’s water territorial was known to aquaculture activity such as prawn, pearl oyster and cage culture by community that lived in the area. It activities could makes water quality to be polluted.This research was purposed to known the content of nutrient (Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitric, and Phosphate) and to studied nutrient that related to other’s water quality parametric at Teluk Pandan water territorial. Sampling was determinate by 15station using purposive sampling method. Data analysis was used to studied relation between water quality’s parametric using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Water sampling was taken at surface using water sampler. It was analyze in Oceanography and Instrumentation Laboratory, Department of Marine Science, Universitas Sriwijaya. Result of this research showing that rate of content nutrient at Teluk Pandan’s water territory ranging from 0.0007-0.0087 mg/L NO3-N, nitric ranging from 0.0001-0.0062 mg/L NO2-N, and phosphate ranging form 0,0012 – 0,0091 mg/L PO4-P. Based on result Teluk Pandan’s water territory still can be used for water’s ecosystem. Result using PCA method showing that correlation between parametric are directly proportional and inversely. Correlation that directly proportional showing by parametric group quadrant I (Temperature, Salinity, Velocity, and Abundance of Phytoplankton), quadrant II (DO, pH and nitrate) and quadrant III (Ammonia, nitric and phosphate). Inversely showing by parametric group quadrant I to parametric group quadrant III.


  • Perairan Teluk Pandan telah banyak dimanfaatkan penduduk sekitar untuk berbagai aktivitas perikanan seperti kegiatan budidaya udang, budidaya kerang mutiara dan keramba jaring apung

  • Teluk Pandan’s water territorial was known to aquaculture activity such as prawn, pearl oyster and cage culture by community that lived in the area

  • It activities could makes water quality to be polluted. This purpose of this research was to known the content of nutrient (Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitric, and Phosphate) and to studied nutrient that related to other’s water quality parametric at Teluk Pandan water territorial

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2016 di Perairan Teluk Pandan Provinsi Lampung. Pengambilan sampel air dan fitoplankton dilaksanakan pada Tanggal 6 April 2016 sedangkan analisis sampel air dan fitoplankton dilaksanakan pada Tanggal 11-23 April 2016. Nitrat, nitrit dan fosfat dilakukan di Laboratorium Oseanografi dan Istrumentasi Program StudiIlmu Kelautan Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Stasiun pengambilan sampel ditentukan dengan metode Purposive Sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu (Sugiyono, 2012). Pertimbangan penentuan stasiun pengambilan sampel yakni berdasarkan keterwakilan lokasi sehingga ditetapkan sebanyak 15 stasiun di sekitar perairan Teluk Pandan (Gambar 1)

Analisis dan Pengukuran Sampel Air di Laboratorium
Analisis Data Parameter Perairan
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