
Mie Sedaap is a newcomer in the world of Indonesian instant noodles but has experienced quite rapid development, one of which is due to the onslaught of advertising that has been carried out so far. For this reason, this study aims to find out what are the creative elements of advertising contained in the YouTube Mie Sedaap commercial advertisement for the 2023 period in displaying the identity of its products. This study uses the content analysis method, the reason for using this method is to describe the contents of the message in the YouTube Mie Sedaap commercial advertisement and to reveal the tendency of creative elements in the Mie Sedaap advertisement. The author uses three coders including the researcher to judge coder or coder 1. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis obtained from the results of the coding of 10 categories including: Appeal, Message Strategy, Advertising function, Message strategy, Spokespersons, Executional Framework, Physique, Personality, Culture and Relationships. In the Appeal category the dominant frequency is Emotional (57.5%), in the message strategy category the dominant frequency is Affective (80%). In the category of advertising function, the dominant frequency is Reminding (60%). In the Message Theme category, the dominant frequency that appeared was social gathering/friendship (22.5%). In the category of Spokespersons, the dominant frequency appears Typical Person (55%). In the Executional Framework category, the dominant frequency is Slice of Life (70%). In the Physique category, the dominant frequency is product packaging (40%). In the Personality category, the dominant frequency that appears is Happiness (15%). In the Culture category, the dominant frequency is Local Culture (67.5%). In the Relationship category the dominant frequency that appears is not too visible or No Relationship (77.5%). Seeing from the findings of the researchers related to the ten categories and each category has a dominant appearance. And given the importance of advertising, in reality advertising is aimed at audiences to convey information about goods and services. It can be concluded that advertising has a very big influence in displaying the identity of a product.

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