
The purpose of this thesis is to study the rules and legislations related with the implementation of Certificate of Origin (COO) preference as a supporting document which must be complied in export trade and to study the rules and legislations towards the solution to the problems on Certificate of Origin (COO) preference as a document indicating the origin of particular goods. The method of this research is normative legal research by collecting statutory regulations on Certificate of Origin (COO), identifying the problems, and analyzing them qualitatively. The results of this thesis research show that: firstly, with regard to the implementation of Certificate of Origin (COO) preference as a supporting document which must be complied in export trade, it is a fact that there is lack of principle of prudence in the material content of the regulations on Certificate of Origin (COO) of Indonesian export goods. This condition has caused that it is easy to abuse, devert, and falsify the document of Certificate of Origin (COO). More over, the control of the issuing institution of the Certificate of Origin (COO) is very weak and the coordination among the governmental ministries is not well cohesive. The management system of office administration in charge which is not well organized has worsened and added bad cases related with the documents of Certificate of Origin (COO) of Indonesian goods in the export destination countries.


  • Abstrak : Menurut hasil dari penelitian tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, implementasi Surat Keterangan Asal (SKA) preferensi sebagai dokumen penyerta yang harus dipenuhi dalam perdagangan ekspor, masih kurangnya asas kehati-hatian dalam muatan materi pada regulasi yang mengatur tentang Surat Keterangan Asal untuk barang ekspor Indonesia menyebabkan mudahnya terjadi penyalahgunaan, penyelewengan bahkan pemalsuan dokumen Surat Keterangan Asal ditambah lagi lemahnya dari segi pengawasan di instansi penerbit Surat Keterangan Asal dan kurang kompaknya koordinasi antar instansi kementerian serta kurang tertatanya sistem manejemen administratif perkantoran yang membidangi juga semakin memperparah bahkan menambah rentetan buruk sejumlah kasus yang terkait dengan dokumen Surat Keterangan Asal Indonesia bermasalah dinegara tujuan ekspor

  • K egiata n eksp or yang m e m b erikan k o n trib usi ter hadapde visa neg ar a a d ala h k egiata nmeng eluarka n b ara n g dari da er a h kepabeanan ses uai p erat ura n p eru n da ng-un da ngan yang b e rl a k u

  • Indonesia Menurut SistemBaru Van Hoeve. Internasional Suatu Pengantar, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Grafindo Persada. Sengketa: Suatu Pengantar, Jakarta: Fikahati Aneka. Hukum Perdata, Jakarta: Rajawali. Prenada Media Group. Badruzaman, Mariam Darus. 2005. Aneka Hukum Bisnis, Bandung: Alumni. Budiardjo, Miriam. 1982. Dasar- Dasar Ilmu Politik, Jakarta; Gramedia

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Muhammad Dian Ansyari

Abstract : The purpose of this thesis is to study the rules and legislations related with the implementation of Certificate of Origin (COO) preference as a supporting document which must be complied in export trade and to study the rules and legislations towards the solution to the problems on Certificate of Origin (COO) preference as a document indicating the origin of particular goods. The results of this thesis research show that: firstly, with regard to the implementation of Certificate of Origin (COO) preference as a supporting document which must be complied in export trade, it is a fact that there is lack of principle of prudence in the material content of the regulations on Certificate of Origin (COO) of Indonesian export goods. This condition has caused that it is easy to abuse, devert, and falsify the document of Certificate of Origin (COO). K egiata n eks p o r le bih s ulit, kar enaorang atau per usa h a a n ya ng aka n m elak uk an eks p o r harus memenu hi p ersyarata n terte nt uyangh ar us di penuhib er dasarkan k et e nt ua n-k et e nt ua n yang t el a h diteta pka n ol e h

Ke m e n t eria n
Kete nt ua n
Pe m e rinta h A m e rika
Dokumen Dalam Perdagangan Ekspor
Pembentukan Masyarakat ASEAN sebagai upaya untuk lebih mempererat integrasi
Piagam ASEAN dan Cetak Biru Masyarakat
Kepala Negara ASEAN juga telah menyepakati Blue Print on ASEAN
Peranan dan Relevansi Surat
Serikat yang Berkaitan Dengan
Indonesia Menurut Sistem
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