
Treatment adherence is an important factor in long-term treatment that can affect clinical outcomes. Thisstudyaims to determine the relationship between the level of adherence to drug use and clinical outcomes of patientswith the Chronic Disease Management Program (PROLANIS) diabetes mellitus referral programandhypertension at the Minggir Health Center during the COVID-19 pandemic. Observational research methodwithpurposive sampling technique totaling 79 respondents, independent variables were measured usingindirectmethods in the form of questionnaires and pill counts, dependent variables in the formof Fasting BloodSugar(GDP), HbA1c and blood pressure were seen through medical records. Statistical analysis used Chi-squaretodetermine the relationship between the level of adherence to clinical outcomes (p-value ≤0.05). Basedontheresults of the socio-demographic characteristics of the research respondents, the majority of the categorieswereelderly (93.7%), educational status did not finish school (57%) and employment status did not work (64.6%). Theresults showed that 36 patients (45.6%) were in the adherent category and 43 patients (54.4%) were non-adherentusing the drug. Results Clinical outcome GDP, HbA1c and blood pressure were said to be controlledin13patients (16.5%) and 66 patients (83.5%) were said to be uncontrolled. There was no significant relationshipbetween the level of adherence to the clinical outcomes of diabetes (p=0.435); and clinical outcomeofhypertension (p=0.199) and there was no significant relationship between the level of adherence to druguseandthe clinical outcome of diabetic patients with hypertension (p=0.963). Based on the results of the study, it canbeconcluded that there was no significant relationship between the level of adherence to drug use andtheclinicaloutcomes of PROLANIS patients in the diabetes mellitus referral program and hypertension at the Minggir HealthCenter during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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