
Background: Atherosclerosis in CAD is marked by formation of plaque inside the arterial lumen. Platelet plays a role on formation and development of atherosclerosis. Adhesion of platelets to the endothelial cells followed by releasing platelet granules caused inflammation of endothel. Lymphocytes also play a role in atherosclerosis and atherotrombosis. T lymphocyte was the first to be recruited inside atheromas and gathered along inside an unstable plaque. The severity of stenosis can be calculated using Gensini score. The Aim of this study is to analyze the correlation between PLR and degree of stenosis in CAD.Methods. This study is a retrospective study by collected 110 patients with CAD that had undergone coronary Angiography. Platelets and lymphocyte count were measured by automatic haematologycal analyzer. PLR was measured by dividing trombocyte count with absolute lymphocyte. Angiography findings were calculated using Gensini score and later devided into 3 groups according to degree of severity.Results. 110 patients retrospectively assesed, 80% were male and 20% female. The most age found was 50-59 years (35.5%). Using Anova test there is a significant differences on PLR between 3 groups of lesions (p<0.05). Continued with Posthoc test, the only significant finding was PLR between moderate and severe lesion. By Spearman’s Correlation test, there is a positif colleration between PLR and severity of stenosis (p<0.048), with R value 0.189 (3.6%).Conclusions. There was a poor correlation between PLR and degree of stenosis severity in CAD. A prospective study needed to assess PLR as predictor of mortality and morbidity in CAD.


  • Atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is marked by formation of plaque inside the arterial lumen

  • Atherosclerosis in CAD is marked by formation of plaque

  • Platelet plays a role on formation and development of atherosclerosis

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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif dengan mengambil data rekam medis pasien dewasa (>18 tahun) dengan diagnosa CAD di RSUP Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar periode Juli 2018 sampai September 2018. Semua pasien dengan diagnosa CAD yang memiliki data yang lengkap berupa hasil pemeriksaan darah rutin dan angiografi diambil sebagai sampel. Jumlah trombosit dan jumlah limfosit diambil dari hasil pemeriksaan darah rutin yang diperiksa dengan menggunakan alat hematology analyzer Sysmex XN 1000. Nilai normal untuk trombosit adalah 150.000 – 400.000, sedangkan jumlah limfosit normal berkisar 20-40 persen dari total leukosit. Pemeriksaan Angiografi koroner adalah pemeriksaan yang dilakukan untuk mengamati pembuluh darah jantung, berupa jenis, jumlah, derajat dan lokasi lesi arteri koroner. Hasil darah rutin dan angiografi yang diambil adalah hasil sebelum pasien mendapatkan tindakan Percutaneus Coronary Intervension. Analisa data dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 22. Metode analisa statistik yang dilakukan adalah perhitungan statistik deskriptif, sebaran frekuensi dan uji statistik Anova dan Spearmen’s Correlation. Sejumlah 110 pasien dengan diagnosa CAD diambil sebagai sampel dengan rentang usia antara

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