
Islamic credit card is an innovation from the world of Islamic banking to pamper the customer in the transaction. IB Hasanah Card is a credit card product based on sharia issued by PT. Bank BNI Syariah. But has become a classic problem when customers are not able to repay the funds in accordance with the time specified by the bank, then the bank will impose sanctions in the form of indemnity costs (ta'widh) to customers who are negligent in paying the bill. Ta'widh provision has been stipulated in the fatwa DSN No. 43 / DSN-MUI / VIII / 2004 concerning ta'widh, one of them mentioned that the amount of the indemnity is a real loss to be reckoned with clear, while at BNI Syariah real magnitude of the loss established by the management. This study aims to determine exercising iB Hasanah Card in BNI Syariah, understand the concept of compensation payments (ta'widh) in BNI Syariah Surpati Core KCP Bandung, and determine the suitability of compensation (ta'widh) in the product iB Hasanah Card in BNI Syariah KCP Soerapatti Core Bandung with DSN No. 43 / DSN-MUI / VIII / 2004 on ta'widh. The method used is a qualitative descriptive analysis method, namely simplification of data that is easier to explain and interpret. Data collection techniques pursued through literature study, observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that, the implementation of iB Hasanah Card consists of a card issuance process, the kinds of costs iB Hasanah Card, and the refund process. Terms of payment of the indemnity (ta'widh) consists of the customer due to negligence, breach of contract, the customer is obliged to pay in accordance with the provisions ta'widh management and payment can be made via ATMs and banks. The overall implementation of BNI Syariah ta'widh in accordance with the DSN No. 43 / DSN-MUI / VIII / 2004, but there is still a lack of clarity as to the calculation of real loss imposed on ta'widh costs which in the fatwa stated that the real losses can be calculated clearly, whereas in BNI Syariah has been in tentunkan by bank management and mentioned no calculations.

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