
The lndonesian Railway Transportation Company (PT KA is one of the state companies which is engaged in transporlation mode, ln order to meet the needs of consumers, the company considers several factors that cause consumers interest in using the railway as a means of transportation facilities. Ihe purposes of this research are: a). To determine the effect of simultaneously or partially independent factors such as the safety and security (x1), the convenience (x2), the ticket prices (x3), the railway station area (x4) and the timeliness (x5) on consumers behavior in using this mode of transpoftation (Y) in Jember, b). To find the dominant, independent factors that influence consumers behavior in the use of this mode of transportation (Y) in Jember. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the simultaneous independent factors of safety and the security factors (x1), the convenience factors (x2), ticket prices factors (x3), the railway station area factors (x4) and the timeliness factors (x5) have the significant effects on the dependent variable (Y) for the consumers behavior in using of the railway transporlation as their mode However. partially, independent factors of safety and securrty (x1), the convenience (x2), the ticket price (x3). the railway station area (x4) influence significantly to the consumers behavior while the trneltness factor (x5) has no si gnific ant infl u ences. /t ls suggesfed that The lndonesian Railway Transpoftation Company (Pf KN). especially the Operation Area lX ( DAOP lX) of Distrtct Jember pay more attentton and increase the return on some of the factors that infltience corsr/,?ers behavior a-s weil as consider other factors in addition to the above factors that also influence colrsu,r?ers hehavior.

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