
Background: AMI is the leading cause of morbidity and disability among Indonesian population. In referrals centre hospital, in-hospital mortality of NSTEMI is equal or even exceeds STEMI, increased from 17% to 21% during 12 months. Prehospital delay is an important cause of increasing early and also late mortality in NSTEMI.
 Objective: We investigated factors associated with prolonged prehospital delay in patients with NSTEMI.
 Method: In this cross-sectional study design, data were analyzed by chi-square and one-way ANOVA using SPSS 20 and data were collected from 50 patients with NSTEMI using patient’s medical notes and semi- structured interviews. Patients were pain-free and hemodynamically stable at the time of interview. Data were collected on the time from the onset of chest pain to hospital admission.
 Results: Mean of prehospital delay times were 7,89±1,44 hours. The predictor were singularly significantly associated with prolonged prehospital delay were self medication and health care seeking pattern. Traditional healers had longest prehospital delay time (24,30±2,65hours). Most of the people in Java from various social strata still believe in traditional healers (dukun) to treat their disease.
 Conclusion: Health care providers can educate the public on NSTEMI to enable them recognize the signs and symptoms of NSTEMI correctly and realize the benefits of early treatment.
 Keyword: Prehospital delay time and NSTEMI


  • NSTEMI telah mengalami pergeseran trend yaitu sama bahkan lebih tinggi dibandingkan STEMI

  • The predictor were singularly significantly associated with prolonged prehospital delay were self medication and health care seeking pattern

  • Objective: We investigated factors associated with prolonged prehospital delay in patients with NSTEMI

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PENDAHULUAN Angka kejadian dan angka mortalitas

NSTEMI telah mengalami pergeseran trend yaitu sama bahkan lebih tinggi dibandingkan STEMI. Pasien membutuhkan waktu untuk meyakinkan dirinya bahwa keluhannya merupakan tanda dari serangan infark miokard, yang kemudian akan membuat pasien segera mengambil keputusan dan juga segera mencari pertolongan medis ke rumah sakit.[16] Dengan latar belakang tersebut, perlu dilakukan analisis tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi “Prehospital Delay Time” pada pasien. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar pedoman wawancara, dalam bentuk pertanyaan terbuka, dengan 5 (lima) item pertanyaan, mencakup: 1) Jam berapa pasien merasakan nyeri dada terberat; 2) Apakah yang pasien lakukan setelah nyeri terberat dirasakan? HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Pada penelitian ini, jumlah responden laki-laki adalah 17 orang dengan prosentase 34% sedangkan jumlah responden perempuan adalah 33 orang dengan prosentase 66%, sesuai dengan tabel 1

Interval Kedatangan
Total kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pasien
Jenis Layanan Kesehatan
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