
Breastmilk is the best food for babies up to 6 months, because it contains a variety of nutrients needed by the baby to grow and develop optimally. The successfullness of exclusive breastfeeding should be supported with good breastfeeding behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine factors which correlate with exclusive breastfeeding in adolescent mothers at Kelurahan Kemayoran, Kecamatan Krembangan, Surabaya. Descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach was used in this research. The population were mother (12-19 years) who had infants (6-12 months). Samples were taken with purposive sampling, as many as 20 respondents. Data obtained were processed used Chi-square with significance value of 0.05. The results of Chi-square test was p=0.000, which indicates that in adolescent mothers the variables of knowledge, attitudes, motivation, and health conditions of the mother during breastfeeding were significantly associated with exclusive breastfeeding. The results of chi-square statistical test on knowledge revealed p=0.031 or 10.667. The results of chi-square statistical test on attitudes had p=0.013 or 8.636. Chi-square statistical test revealed that motivational value had p=0.014 or 12.424. The results of chi-square statistical test on conditions of maternal health during breastfeeding had p=0.011 or 8.981. It’s concluded that the factors of knowledge, attitude, motivation, condition, and health problems relate to the provision of exclusive breastfeeding in adolescent mothers. Health education to adolescent mothers on exclusive breastfeeding and lactation management should be provided to increase higher level of exclusive breastfeeding for infants.

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