
The problem in this study is that students have difficulty learning mathematics during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study is aims to determine the factors of learning difficulties in mathematics in fourth grade students of SDS Tri Sukses, with the limitation of the problem of factors of learning difficulties in mathematics and efforts to overcome difficulties in learning mathematics in grade IV students of SDS Tri Sukses. The research method in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques with interviews, observation and documentation. The data in the analysis refers to the data of Miles and Hubberman with the following steps: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the factors that cause difficulty in learning mathematics come from internal factors, namely the health of students who are not optimal, negative attitudes in learning mathematics, student interest, and student motivation is still low. External factors include the use of teaching methods that are less varied, the lack of use of learning media, the relationship between educators and students who are less close and the family environment. Efforts made in overcoming difficulties in learning mathematics are teachers always provide motivation, provide contextual or real learning, increase interest in learning and help and guide students who have difficulty learning mathematics

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