
This study analyses the factors affecting the depth of outreach of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) of UED-SP at Rambah Sub-district Rokan Hulu District. Factors thought to influence the depth of outreach is age of UED-SP, ROA, percent of trading sector clients, percent of agriculture sector clients and number of woman clients. The sampling method is done using by purposive sampling. This study obtained a sample of twelve UED-SPs in the village at Rambah District from in the period of 2012-2015. The data used is secondary data form pooled data. Data were obtained based on the financial reports of each of the samples. This study uses quantitative approach with analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis with fixed effect method of pooled data that were previously tested with the classical assumption test. Hypothesis testing using t-statistic and the F-statistic with 95% confidence level. Based on the classic assumption test found no variables that deviate. This shows that the available data has been qualified using the linear regression equation model. The results of this study show that depth of outreach are statistically significant infiuenced by age of UED-SP. However, it’s negatively affect on depth of outhreach. Whereas ROA, number of woman borrower, percent of agriculture sector clients and percent of trading sector clients has no affect on depth of outhreach. Predictive ability of these five variables on the depth of outhreach is 77,66 percent, while the 22,34 percent influenced by other factors not included in the research model.


  • PENDAHULUAN Kemiskinan yang terjadi di Indonesia, khususnya di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Provinsi Riau menjadi masalah yang sangat sulit untuk diselesaikan

  • The results of this study show that depth of outreach are statistically significant infiuenced by age of Usaha Ekonomi Desa-Simpan Pinjam (UED-SP)

  • Effects TestCorrelated Random Effects - Hausman Test Equation: Untitled Test cross-section random effects

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Tahap analisis melakukan model Regresi Panel menggunakan uji chow untuk memilih antara model Pooled Least Square (PLS) dan Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Uji Chow Uji chow digunakan untuk memilih salah satu model pada regresi data panel, yaitu antara model efek tetap (fixed effect model) dengan model koefisien tetap (common effect model)/Pooled Least Square. Jika nilai F-hitung > F-tabel maka H0 ditolak, artinya model panel yang baik untuk digunakan adalah Fixed Effect Model, dan sebaliknya. Jika nilai Uji Haussman lebih besar dari nilai Chi-Square tabel, maka model yang digunakan adalah Fixed Effect, artinya H0 diterima. Apabila nilai Uji Haussman lebih kecil dari nilai Chi-Square tabel maka yang digunakan adalah Random Effect, artinya H0 ditolak. Metode yang digunakan dalam t-test adalah dengan cara membandingkan nilai t-hitung dari masing-masing koefisien variabel bebas terhadap nilai t-tabel pada derajat keyakinan 1 persen, 5 persen,atau 10 persen.

Usia Modal Awal
Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia
Berdasarkan tabel tersebut dapat dilihat
Rambah Tengah Utara adalah sebesar
Hasil estimasi model pada LKM
Saran pada penelitian adalah
Mikro di Kabupaten
Effects Test
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