
In the Multipurpose Hall Advanced Development project in Banjar Wongaya Betan, Tabanan Regency, there was an overall allocation of human resources which caused a mismatch between plans and realization in the field, where implementation experienced delays in the 6th, 7th, and 8th weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a human resource leveling method to minimize deviations between needs and the availability of existing human resources, namely by Resources Leveling using the help of Microsoft Office Project 2019. The Resources Leveling method is carried out by shifting non-critical activities within the available grace time so that available resources are not overloaded. This research aims to analyze the duration of activities and costs required for the project through descriptive research methods with a quantitative approach and using secondary data sources from the implementing contractor, namely CV. Sustainable Gold. Based on the analysis results, it was found that the number of human resources that were initially overallocated could be optimized after the leveling process was carried out using the resource leveling method with Microsoft Office Project 2019. The leveling process affected the project duration, from 90 days to 103 days. This is because of max. units of labor that the contractor is able to provide cannot meet the max. units required for project implementation. Meanwhile, the cost of human resources required is not affected by the leveling process, namely, it still costs IDR 71,981,700.

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