
The purpose of this research was to analyze and design a web-based sales information system at CV. Ryan Jaya Bandung, where the sales, purchasing, and stock systems are still done manually. With this process, data loss often occurs, the lack of supervisory control, and the length of the data input process. Data collection was carried out by using literature study techniques, observation, and interviews. The method used in the development of information systems uses a prototype model and system testing using blackbox testing. Based on the results of the research conducted to produce a web-based sales information system following user expectations, and the test results show that the system built is following user needs.


  • The method used in the development of information systems uses a prototype model and system testing using blackbox testing

  • the test results show that the system built is following user needs

  • P. Windasari, “Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pembelian pada Toko PC Tablet,” J

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Setiap Ada Retur Barang

Berikutmerupakanpemetaankonseptualuntukmenggambarkanspesifikasikebutuhan data dan hubunganantarpenyimpananberdasarkan Data Flow Diagram yang sudahdibuat, sebagaimanatertuang pada gambar 6 di bawahini. Gambar 8.Relasi Tabel SistemInformasiPenjualan Water Meter Equipment pada CV. D. ImplementasiSistem Pada tahapan ini menjelaskan uraian representasi hasil perancangan dalam bentuk antar muka penggunasistem, baikform input, proses, output. Berikutmerupakanskenariopengujianfungsionalsistem yang telahdibangun, sebagaimanatertuang pada tabel 3 di bawahini

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