
New Student Admission is a series of annual compulsory activities held by all schools in Indonesia in order to accept new students in the new academic year. The process of New Student Admission is based on school and government policies. In 2019, the Ministry of Education and Culture issued a regulation regarding the admission of new students as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 44 of 2019. In this regulation, the age of students is used as one of the parameters that are put into consideration after the distance between residence. In its implementation, many schools in Jakarta use age as the main parameter instead of the distance of student residence so that it violates the provisions of Permendikbud 44 of 2019. The use of age as a main parameter can affect student achievement in school. To see this further, a literature study was conducted which discussed the effect of entry age and achievement in several countries and various levels of education. Based on the literature that has been done, it is unfortunate that the effect of student entry age on achievement at school has different results between each level of education. At the early education level (Kindergarten - Elementary School), the age at which students enter has an influence on their achievement at school, but this does not apply at the secondary level (Junior High School - Senior High School) where the age of students has no effect on achievement at school.


  • Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru merupakan rangkaian kegiatan wajib tahunan yang diadakan seluruh sekolah di Indonesia dalam rangka menerima siswa baru pada tahun ajaran baru

  • New Student Admission is a series of annual compulsory activities held by all schools

  • The process of New Student Admission is based on school and government policies

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Journal Publicuho

ISSN2621-1351 (online), ISSN 2685-0729 (print) Volume 4 Number 2 (May-July), (2021)pp. 692-700 Open Access at:http://ojs.uho.ac.id/index.php/PUBLICUHO/index. Pada bulan Desember tahun 2019, pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan mengeluarkan peraturan baru terkait. Kebijakan penerimaan siswa baru berdasarkan usia/umur, menimbulkan pro dan kontra di kalangan masyarakat. Sebagian orang tua berpandangan bahwa kebijakan ini adalah hal yang baik karena memiliki anak dengan usia yang relatif lebih tua dibandingkan rata-rata dari teman-teman satu angkatannya. Pada tanggal 23 Juni 2020, orang tua yang kontra dengan kebijakan tersebut melakukan demonstrasi dan mendirikan forum perkumpulan untuk memperjuangan agar PPDB tidak dilakukan berdasarkan umur. Tentu kebijakan ini merupakan kebijakan yang perlu dikaji ulang, apakah faktor usia yang dijadikan salah satu parameter pada PPDB dapat membawa dampak baik dari segi kualitas proses pembelajaran di Indonesia atau justru menimbulkan sisi negatif yang tidak diinginkan oleh bangsa Indonesia. Berdasarkan rumusan masalah tersebut, maka pertanyaan penelitian yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana perkembangan mekanisme PPDB di Indonesia sejauh ini?

Apa pengaruh parameter umur masuk siswa terhadap prestasi siswa di sekolah?
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