
The Air transport demand still increasing continuously both of number passengers, cargo and aircraft movements will have a direct impact on the capacity of the airport. Juanda International Airport has one runway that serves about 35-40 aircraft per hour. The number of aircraft movements cause the problem of delay and wasting fuel. Delay can reduced the productivity airport services and airlines. This goal of this paper is to analyze the airport capacity, delay and effect of delay on the aircraft's fuel consumption. Calculations using simulation software arena with arrivals and departure modelling. The results showed that in the calculation of the existing runway capacity as much as 44 scheduled aircraft movements during peak hours there are only 33 aircraft for 1 hour with an average delay of 29 minutes. Simulations using the software arena, delay for arrival varied between 0.6 minutes to 4.2 minutes and delay for departure varied between 0.8 minutes to 19 minutes. Aircraft fuel consumption A320 for the queue 1 to 4 of aircraft varied between 67.56 lb to 270.26 lb. While fuel consumption B737-500 for the queue 1 to 4 of aircraft varied between 131.31 lb to 525.26 lb


  • The Air transport demand still increasing continuously both of number passengers, cargo and aircraft movements will have a direct impact on the capacity of the airport

  • Pergerakan pesawat di sisi udara erat kaitannya dengan take off dan landing

  • Terbatasnya kapasitas mengakibatkan pesawat harus mengantri di darat untuk take off dan berputar-putar di udara untuk landing

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Ready to push back and engine start

Proses groundhandling bahwa pengurangan konsumsi bahan bakar dapat melalui pengurangan delay dan peningkatan efisiensi daerah terminal (Ryerson, 2014). Menurut Biro Statistik Transportasi US penyebab terjadinya delay pesawat didefinisikan menjadi beberapa kategori yakni dari pihak maskapai, keadaan cuaca, National Aviation System (NAS), dan keterlambatan kedatangan pesawat dari bandara asal. Pihak maskapai, bahkan sampai dengan kru pesawat yang bertugas. Berdasarkan uraian diatas, permasalahan mengenai keterbatasan kapasitas bandara dan delay dapat dipastikan bahwa kedua hal tersebut mengakibatkan menurunnya produktivitas pelayanan bandara dan maskapai pesawat. Melalui paper ini diharapkan mengetahui pengaruh kapasitas bandara, delay yang terjadi di sisi udara dan pengaruh delay terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar pesawat. Metode perhitungan menggunakan simulasi software ARENA dengan memodelkan kedatangan pesawat dari STAR (Standard Arrival Route) yang merupakan rute standar pesawat ketika akan mendarat hingga pesawat landing dan menempati parking stand. Pemodelan simulasi juga untuk keberangkatan pesawat dari parking stand apron menuju runway hingga pesawat take off

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