
Trends in digital marketing research have often been carried out by many researchers. This has spawned a deep interest and discussion about digital marketing in recent years. Evidenced by the increasing number of companies that recognize the use of digital marketing in selling and promoting their products. Digital marketing is a series of strategies aimed at promoting brands on the internet. It differs from traditional marketing in that it involves the use of different online channels and methods that allow analysis of results in real time. This study uses a quantitative descriptive. Meanwhile, the analysis uses bibliometric analysis by collecting scientific article literature results obtained from Google Scholar with the keyword "Digital Marketing" using the Publish or Perish application. The search results for scientific work are stored in the RIS format and processed using VOSviewer. Map of the development of articles with topics about digital marketing in the category of article title, abstract, keywords in the period 1996 – 2022 divided into 57 clusters. These clusters contain several keywords, variables, and authors who made scientific articles about digital marketing in that period. These things are useful for research updates on digital marketing.

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