
Flash floods that hit parts of South Sulawesi on July 13, 2020, left 36 people dead, 18 people lost, 40 people missing, 58 injured, and a total of 14,483 people were affected. Around 14,000 people were evacuated to safer locations due to not having a home to live in. The disaster was caused by heavy rains. One of the areas affected was North Luwu. This phenomenon needs to be done research so that people can overcome the possibility of disasters that might occur. Air pressure and air temperature for 2 days before the occurrence of flash floods have the same relative patterns and anomalies occurred on the day of the incident. This research uses satellite image data interpretation method by processing the Himawari-8 infrared channel data and compared with rainfall data from the Andi Jemma meteorological station in North Luwu Regency on July 13, 2020. Interpretation and analysis of satellite imagery data shows the growth of strong convective clouds has the potential to cause rain in North Luwu around 07.00 UTC. So it was concluded that during a flash flood, unstable atmospheric conditions and the presence of Cumulonimbus (CB) cloud cover in the North Luwu region.


  • Banjir bandang yang terjadi di Luwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan pada tanggal 13 Juli 2020 cukup banyak menelan korban, baik jiwa maupun harta

  • Around 14,000 people were evacuated to safer locations

  • The disaster was caused by heavy rains

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Hasil Analisis Cuaca Harian MJO atau disebut juga osilasi intraseasonal MJO, 116 Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika, Vol 10 No 3, September 2021, hal 114-120. Kondisi suhu muka laut (sea surface temperature) pada saat tanggal 13 Juli 2020 pada pukul 00.00 UTC (08.00 WITA) sekitar antara 30◦C - 32◦C. pada pukul 12.00 UTC (20.00 WITA) suhu muka laut menunjukan nilai yang sama. Suhu muka laut pada tanggal 13 Juli 2020 (A) pukul 00.00 UTC dan (B) 12.00 UTC. Gradien angin pada saat kejadian banjir bandang pada tanggal 13 Juli 2020 pada pukul 00.00 UTC dan 12.00 UTC menunjukan divergensi. Kondisi cuaca berdasarkan hasil pengamatan sinoptik adalah hujan. Untuk curah hujan yang terukur pada pukul 09.00 UTC atau jam 17.00 WITA berdasarkan hasil pengamatan stasiun meteorologi Masamba adalah 27,2 mm Gambar 4. Kondisi angin gradien pada taggal 13 Juli 2020 gambar A pukul 00.00 UTC (08.00 WITA) dan gambar B pukul 12.00 UTC (20.00 WITA)

Hasil Analisis Kondisi Sinoptik
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