
The implementation of aqidah (matters of faith) into the soul is one of effective ways in creating elements of goodness which aims to make people able to do their duty well. The determination of implementing akidah as one of subjects in Islamic elementary school is an exact way in creating devout generation who have faith and good behavior because it functions to improve students’ behavior, sanctify their soul, and direct them to the noble and moderate Islamic values. Therefore, in this case, the role of akidah as a subject, should be constructed from the right materials related to the field of divinity and behavior education. This study belongs to library research by using philosophical ontology approach. The aim of this study is to find out the essence of a book entitled “Membina Akidah Akhlak” as one of akidah learning materials used in Islamic elementary school. Moreover, it also tries to analyze its conformity with the curriculum applied as well as jumhur al-mutakallimin.


  • The implementation of aqidah into the soul is one of effective ways in creating elements of goodness which aims to make people able to do their duty well

  • The determination of implementing akidah as one of subjects in Islamic elementary school is an exact way in creating devout generation who have faith and good behavior because it functions to improve students’ behavior, sanctify their soul, and direct them to the noble and moderate Islamic values

  • In this case, the role of akidah as a subject, should be constructed from the right materials related to the field of divinity and behavior education

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The implementation of aqidah (matters of faith) into the soul is one of effective ways in creating elements of goodness which aims to make people able to do their duty well. Wal-hashil, kalimat syahadat sebagai rukun Islam yang menjadi pokok bahasan bidang studi akidah sebagaimana termaktub dalam buku Membina Akidah Akhlak 1 adalah tidak termasuk dalam bahasan akidah menurut jumhur al-mutakallimin, dan juga tidak masuk dalam ruang lingkup mata pelajaran akidah Madrasah Ibtidaiyah menurut Peraturan Menteri Agama Republik Indonesia No 2 Tahun 2008.

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