
The background of this research is the importance of developing all aspects of child development. Development of aspects of child development by carrying out habituation activities. One of the habituation activities carried out at the Al-Azhar 5 Islamic Kindergarten in Samarinda is the dhuha prayer activity. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the aspects of child development in dhuha prayer activities at Al-Azhar Islamic Kindergarten 5 Samarinda. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach. The location of this research is the Islamic Kindergarten Al-Azhar 5 Samarinda. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation techniques. This study uses data sources, namely school principals, teachers/educators, students and school documentation. The data analysis technique used is data condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the analysis of the aspects of child development in the dhuha prayer activities developed well. First, physical motor development develops with children being able to move in a coordinated manner in the dhuha prayer movement. Second, children's language development develops with children being able to express receptive language by following the teacher's directions and expressing expressive language by reading prayer readings. Third, social emotional development develops with the child's ability to be responsible for completing Duha prayer activities to completion and following the rules of prayer correctly. Fourth, the development of religious and moral values ​​is developing, namely being able to recognize the religion he adheres to, namely Islam and knowing Allah as his Lord through the beautiful names of Allah, namely Asmaul Husna, carrying out worship, namely praying both obligatory and sunnah prayers such as dhuha prayer, and reading prayers. -prayers such as prayer ablution and prayer after prayer. Fifth, cognitive development develops with children being able to understand the concept of dhuha prayer.

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