
This research is motivated by the frequent occurrence of arrears in installment payments for HomeOwnership Credit (KPR) customers, this can occur due to several factors such as the Bank'sanalysis is not accurate enough for prospective mortgage customers, while in mortgage financingit takes people who really meet the criteria set by the bank. One of the principles used by banks inassessing whether or not a prospective customer is eligible is the 3R analysis (Return, Repayment,Risk Bearing Ability). The purpose of this study was to analyze the 3R factors in providingmortgage financing to customers in a study at the State Savings Bank Bogor Sharia Branch Office(BTN KCS Bogor). The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The method of datacollection was done by using observation, interview and documentation techniques at BTN KCSBogor. The results showed that the 3R factor analysis has been used by BTN KCS Bogor inproviding credit. And in the mechanism for assessing mortgage financing at BTN KCS Bogorusing 3R analysis, each has a sharia basis, both taken from the Qur'an and Hadith.

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