
The crime of identity fraud in marriage has occurred in Jember Regency. The identity falsification was carried out because the perpetrator wanted to manipulate his gender in order to carry out same-sex marriage. This happens because the law in Indonesia does not provide legality for same-sex people to be able to get married. Thus, in this study, two formulations of problems that should be investigated are related to the causes of the motive for committing the crime of identity fraud in marriages committed by same-sex couples; as well as regarding law enforcement against the crime of identity fraud in marriage. From the two formulations of the problem, the results obtained are that the cause of the motive for the criminal act of forging identity in same-sex marriages is the feeling of wanting to live together with same-sex partners and the coercion of will because Indonesia does not provide space for same-sex marriage. Second, law enforcement in cases of identity falsification in same-sex marriages is carried out through the Court as law enforcers. The crime of identity fraud can be prosecuted under Article 263 paragraph (1) (2) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code and Article 266 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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