
The importance of maintaining the quality of education of a country, making education in Indonesia also continues to make improvements both from the Elementary School level to the University level. At the University level alone, there is increasing competition between the State and Private Universities to produce more and more qualified graduates. So many universities are starting to think of strategies to win the competition. One of them by maintaining the Service Quality they provide. This study aims to determine the effect of Service Quality on Behavioral Intention or the tendency to behave, with perceived value and customer satisfaction as intervening variable high education students 2012-2016. The results of this study indicate that service quality has a positive and significant influence on perceived value and behavioral intentions, perceived value positively and significantly influence customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions, and customer satisfaction positively and significantly influence behavioral intentions. The results of this study also show that perceived value and customer satisfaction as intervening variables do not successfully mediate the relationship between service quality and behavioral intentions


  • Perbaikan kualitas sumber daya manusia erat kaitannya dengan perbaikan kualitas pendidikan suatu negara.Penyediaan kualitas pendidikan yang baik merupakan kunci menciptakan generasi berkualitas

  • This study aims to determine the effect of Service Quality on Behavioral Intention or the tendency to behave, with perceived value and customer satisfaction as intervening variable high education students 2012-2016

  • The results of this study indicate that service quality has a positive and significant influence on perceived value and behavioral intentions, perceived value positively and significantly influence customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions, and customer satisfaction positively and significantly influence behavioral intentions

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Trixie Nova Bella Tandijaya

Abstrak:Pentingnya menjaga mutu pendidikan sebuah negara, membuat pendidikan di Indonesia juga terus melakukan perbaikan baik dari tingkat Sekolah Dasar hingga tingkat Universitas. Sehingga banyak Universitas mulai memikirkan strategi untuk dapat memenangkan persaingan.Salah satunya dengan menjaga Service Quality yang mereka berikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Service Quality terhadap Behavioral Intention atau kecenderungan berperilaku, dengan perceived value dan customer satisfaction sebagai variabel intervening pada Pendidikan Tinggi Surabaya. Hasil dari penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa perceived value dan customer satisfaction sebagai variable intervening tidak berhasil memediasi hubungan antara service quality dan behavioral intentions. Kata kunci: Service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, behavioral intention. The results of this study show that perceived value and customer satisfaction as intervening variables do not successfully mediate the relationship between service quality and behavioral intentions.

Service Quality
Perceived Value
Customer Satisfaction
Behavioral Intention
Definisi Operasional Variabel
Path Analysis
Service Quality terhadap Perceived Value
Service Quality terhadap Customer Satisfaction
Perceived Value terhadap Behavioral Intentions
Perceived Value terhadap Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction terhadap Behavioral Intentions
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