
Background - Strategy formulation is often a complicated process that requires adopting a systematic approach to diagnosing external factors and to match these external factors with internal capabilities, therefore strategy formulation is an important measure of a company's success in winning the competition at the national level or maybe even at the international level. Purpose – This study aims to provide an academic paper on freight Forwarder company management which is the object of research in determining future company strategies by identifying SWOT and TOWS in order to uncover strategies to exploit strengths and opportunities as well as to improve weaknesses and overcome these threats. Design / Methodology / Approach – This study uses a qualitative approach in answering the formulation of research problems. The data collection method consists of a comprehensive review of the literature and a part of interviews with management executives at freight forwarders. Data analysis uses the IFE approach and the EFE Matrix, to map the scores and weightings of internal strengths and external changes. Result and Discussion – Combining the IFE and EFE analysis, we get a company positioning plot at the medium or hold and maintain level, which means that the company's current focus is on market penetration and product / service development. Conclusion – The TOWS matrix produces a series of proposed strategies, namely SO, WO, ST, and WT that echo internal and external conditions, so it is hoped that the four proposed strategies will be able to increase the competitiveness of companies in the national arena. Research Limitation - This research is limited to companies within the scope of freight forwarders in the city of Surabaya. Research in different years with the same variables is suggested to be carried out in the future, considering that internal changes and external changes will follow changes in time. Research Implications - This research can be used as a reference for other companies in the freight forwarder sector to determine the direction of the company's future strategy, however, these results are only valid for companies that are the object of research, all variables must be changed and adjusted to the conditions of each company. the proposed strategy becomes valid. Acknowledgment - This research was carried out in collaboration with companies in the field of freigt forwarders in the city of Surabaya, along with their leaders who took the time and willingness to complete this research study.


  • Forwarder company management which is the object of research in determining future company strategies by identifying SWOT and TOWS in order to uncover strategies to exploit strengths and opportunities as well as to improve weaknesses and overcome these threats

  • Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This study uses a qualitative approach in answering the formulation of research problems

  • The data collection method consists of a comprehensive review of the literature and a part of interviews with management executives at freight forwarders

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Program Studi Manajemen Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik Jawa Timur Indonesia

Menggunakan pendekatan IFE dan EFE Matriks, untuk memetakan skor dan pembobotan kekuatan internal dan perubahan eksternal. Implikasi Penelitian - Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan bagi perusahaan lain di bidang freight forwarder untuk menentukan arah strategi perusahaan kedepannya, namun demikian hasil ini hanya valid pada perusahaan yang menjadi objek penelitian, seluruh variabel harus diubah dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi perusahaan masing-masing agar hasil strategi yang diusulkan menjadi valid. Isu diatas merupakan kesempatan dan sekaligus wajah dari lingkungan eksternal perusahaan freight forwarder, kondisi berubahnya lingkungan eksternal menjadi kunci yang perlu menjadi peratian bagi manajemen organisasi bisnis dalam menentukan strategi perusahaan kedepannya (David, 2009), yang dengan demikian akan menjadi dasar urgensi pentingnya dalam menganalisa strategik perusahaan terhadap berubahnya lingkungan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan naskah akademis pada manajemen perusahaan freight forwarder yang dijadikan objek penelitian dalam menentukan strategi perusahaan kedepan dengan identifikasi SWOT dan TOWS guna mengungkap strategi untuk memanfaatkan kekuatan dan peluang serta memperbaiki kelemahan serta mengatasi ancaman tersebut. SWOT cocok untuk diikuti oleh negara, industri atau organisasi, karena mengidentifikasi hubungan lingkungan antara lingkungan internal dan eksternal

Penggunaan analisis
Pendekatan Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif
SDM mengatur roda keuangan perusahaan
Metode Pengumpulan dan Analisa Data awal berasal dari berbagai database seperti
Bobot Rating
Internal Eksternal Matriks Plotting Diagram
Usulan strategi perusahaan diturunkan dari yang mengharuskan perusahaan berfokus
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