
Hot water depth analysis have been carried out using the Schlumberger Configuration geoelectric method. This research investigatis subsurface conditions by analyzing the resistivity value. The study was conducted at the Pawan Hot Spring tourisme object, Rokan Hulu, Riau using the Schlumberger rule which is brought closer to 2 track points with a length of 90 meters each. Measurment data were processed using Progress Software and the resistivity values obtained at Line I 100,83 – 63,54 Ohm.m with depths of 0,00 – 46 m and at Line II 146,73 – 239,71 Ohm.m with depths of 0,00 – 33 m. The interpretation result of the two tracks obtained that the hot water flow in Line I is in the sand layer with resistivity values 95,28 Ohm.m and 63,54 Ohm.m at depths of 3,77 – 46 m. Line II is found in the sandy clay layer with a resistivity value of 1,05 Ohm.m at depth of 3,56 – 3,66 m.

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