
Hospital is a health service with excellent and competitive service demands by its users. The function of the hospital was developed by the guidance of science and technology at its time. Performance appraisal is the most reliable tool for managers to control human resources and productivity and can be used effectively to direct employee behavior to produce nursing services based on high quality and quantity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors causing the low performance of nurses in Medan city hospital. This type of research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study design. This research was conducted at the Royal Prima Medan Hospital in July. The sample in this study were all nurses who served in the inpatient room. The sampling technique in this study using saturated sampling techniques totaling 159 nurses. Data collection using a questionnaire with the chi-square test. The results showed that the three-dimensional factors of nurse performance had a relationship with the performance of nurses, namely individual factors p = 0.000, psychological factors p = 0.006, and organization p = 0.002. This research concludes that the majority of nurses in the hospital still have low performance. The researcher's suggestion for the hospital is that the hospital pays more attention to the performance of the nurses who work in the inpatient room.


  • PENDAHULUAN Saat ini rumah sakit berada dalam suasana global dan kompetitif yang sangat tinggi tingkat persaingan layanan kesehatannya sehingga menuntut mutu pelayanan rumah sakit yang harus dikelola dengan dasar konsep manajemen yang jelas dan terarah

  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors causing the low performance of nurses in Medan city hospital

  • The results showed that the three-dimensional factors of nurse performance had a relationship with the performance of nurses, namely individual factors p = 0.000, psychological factors p = 0.006, and organization p = 0.002

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Penelitian ini akan dilakukan pada bulan

Kuesioner dibagikan kepada perawat berisikan tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja perawat terdiri dari faktor individu, psikologi dan faktor organisasi. Kuesioner dalam penelitian ini diisi langsung oleh perawat pelaksana pada saat jam istrahat. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan kepada 159 perawat di rumah sakit dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: Tabel 1. Berdasarkan karakteritik perawat pelaksana diperoleh data mayoritas perawat berada pada rentang usia 31-40 tahun (42,8%), berdasarkan jenis kelamin perawat pelaksana lebih banyak berjenis kelamin perempuan yaitu sebanyak 111 (69,8%), berdasarkan lama bekerja perawat pelaksana paling banyak berada bekerja lebih dari 1 tahun sebanyak 109 (69%), berdasarkan pendidikan perawat perawat pelaksana paling banyak adalah lulusan S1+Ners yaitu sebanyak 141 (56,6%)

Individu Psikologi Organisasi
Kurang Baik f
Kinerja keperawatan di Rumah Sakit
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