
This study aims to analyze the financial system of Bunch Palm Fruit (TBS) in the Cooperative Source Rezeki Kampung Rantau Minas District Siak District. Basically Koperasi Sumber Rezeki is a cooperative that runs a community plantation business but now Sumber Rezeki Cooperative is progressing so that Sumber Rezeki Cooperative opens units such as savings and loan units and fertilizer sales unit. Management of the administrative system to date in the Cooperative Resources Rezeki still done manually with the number of cooperative management is very limited. This leads to slow performance of the cooperative and allows for the mistakes that are not desired by the manager of the cooperative. Therefore, the need for a new system more efficient in reducing the problem of this problem. The system developed is an application of savings and loan, recording, and calculation of the sale of FFB, and the sale of fertilizer. The design of this application is made for the purpose of facilitating the cooperative managers in monitoring the existing finances without having to examine every manual book written by its members.

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