
Lines of communication cannot be separated from the various problems that can interfere with data traffic
 in it. One problem that arises is the rupture that caused the destruction of communication lines or fiber
 optic cable intermediary.With a high level of reliability demanded data on the company's lines of
 communication so that the need for technology that can provide solutions to problems in the network data
 communication lines. It is very necessary especially companies manage databases and the data is very
 important to maintain.The use of gateway load balancing technology (GLBP) of cisco is expected to provide
 data communications reliability in need in the company.Gateway Load Balancing Protocol is the
 technology division of the traffic load of data to each gateway router or a group who are members of the
 GLBP. This technology can also divert traffic data gateway router it is damaged or dies communication
 path to the gateway are functioning properly. GLBP is an improvement on previous technology hot standby
 routing protocol (HSRP) to provide load balancing functionality.

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