
Turkish Abstract: Birinci Dunya Savasi’nda Osmanli Devletine karsi Itilaf Devletlerince olusturulan guclu donanmaya karsi, Osmanli donanmasinca en az kara savaslarindaki kadar cetin ve zorlu bir mucadele verilmis ancak bu mucadele Gelibolu Yarimadasi’nda kazanilan zaferin golgesinde kalmistir. Denizalti gemileri taarruzi maksatli olarak dunya tarihinde ilk defa Birinci Dunya Savasi’nda Atlantik cephesinde ve Osmanli cephelerinde kullanilmistir. Gizlilik icinde, surpriz etkisiyle harekat yapan bu yeni savas gemisi tipi, savasta Osmanli donanmasina karsi etkinlikle gorev yapmistir.Bu calismada emperyalizmin en hizli doneminde mali iflasi yasayan bir devletin isgal girisimi ve anavatani koruyabilecek nitelikte bir donanmanin olmamasina karsin, donanma personelinin her turlu zor sartlara ragmen dusman guclerine karsi yapmis oldugu mucadeleye deginilmektedir. Bu mucadele Canakkale Bogazi’nda mayinlama, denizalti gemilerinin gecisini engelleme ve deniz top ates destegi ile Gelibolu yarimadasinda savasan kuvvetlerin lojistik destegi ve bu destegi engelleme savasi icindeki denizaltilar ekseninde incelenecektir. Bu gune kadar yapilan akademik calismalarda gundeme getirilmemis olan bazi ayrintilar denizaltilarla mucadele alt basliginda Basbakanlik Osmanli Arsivi kaynaklarindan istifade ile aktarilacaktir.English Abstract: During World War I, Ottoman navy fought a battle as fierce and compelling as the one took place on the field against the strong navy built by the Allied Powers. However this fight was overshadowed by the victory won on the Gallipoli Peninsula. It was during World War I when submarines were used for the purposes of attack for the first time in World History at the battle fronts of Atlantic and the Ottoman State. This new type of ship which carried out military action in disguise fulfilled its duty against the Ottoman Navy in full efficiency and almost performed a surprising attack.In this study, despite the fact that the Ottoman Empire, in a state of financial bankruptcy in the most intensive period of imperialism, lacked a navy which had the capacity to defend the homeland and despite all the challenges the naval personnel had to face, the though and compelling battle fought by the Ottoman Navy against the occupying forces will be evaluated. This battle will be scrutinized in consideration of the mining at the Dardanelles, preventing the passage of the submarines and the support given with artillery fire on the sea as well as the logistic support given for the forces fighting on the Gallipoli Peninsula and the role of the submarines in the battle for preventing this support. Details, which have been omitted and overlooked in academic research so far, will be presented under the subtitle “fight with the submarines” and in this the documents at the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives will be consulted.

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