
The goal of this study was to determine the community structure belonging to the Prosobranchia (Gastropoda, Mollusca) in soft bottoms of the Çanakkale Strait coastal waters (0-5 m). Benthos samples were collected seasonally using a 30x30 quadrate operated by a SCUBA diver between July 2008 and April 2009. Samplings were carried out at 3 transect depths of 8 different locations of the Çanakkale Strait. A total of 4472 specimens of Prosobranchs were recorded. Rissoa splendida Eichwald, 1830 was the numerically dominant species (Di % = 20.57). Kilitbahir location had the highest number of individuals (1069), while the Lapseki location had the lowest number (157). According to Spearman’s rank correlation, the highest positive correlation (rs = 0.75) was between salinity and species number. Conversely, the lowest correlation (rs = 0.51) was found between pH and species number. Bray-Curtis similarity index showed that summer and winter periods were very similar (88.65 %). Çanakkale and the Kilya inlet points had the highest similarity (70.87 %).

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