
Tracheal Diverticulum(TD), or paratracheal cyst, is an uncommonly encountered and reported clinical entity. The incidence of TD is approximately 1% in adults and 0.3% in children.1,2 There are 2 types of TD- acquired and congenital. Acquired diverticula are thought to be outpouchings at weaknesses in the posterior tracheal wall due to coughing or blunt injury.1,3,4,5 While congenital TD, are thought to be malformed supernumerary branches of the trachea.1 Patients may present with chronic cough, dyspnoea, stridor, hoarseness of voice, stridor, and repetitive episodes of tracheobronchitis.2,3,5 Case reports have reported difficulties in intubation, lung isolation, ventilation and pneumomediastinum secondary to accidental perforation of a diverticulum caused by tracheal intubation.3,6,7,8We present a case of a patient who underwent an uneventful excision of his TD. Written consent was obtained from the patient for publishing this case report. Based on local ethical board requirements, no ethical review was needed.

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