
Ozet: Bu calismada anaerobik rumen fungusu Caecomyces sp. GMLF12'de linoleate isomerase enziminin varligi arastirilmistir. Linoleate isomerase enzimi linoleik asitin konjuge linoleik asite izomerizasyonunu saglamaktadir. Farkli konsantrasyonlarda linoleik asit iceren besi ortamina inokule edilen Caecomyces sp. ve Neocallimastix sp. izolatlarinin gelismedigi gorulmustur. Bunun uzerine glikozlu besi ortaminda gelistirilmis Caecomyces sp. GMLF12'nin kuresel rizoidleri enzim kaynagi olarak kullanilmistir. Hucreler, linoleik asit ile muamele edilmis ve belirli zaman araliklarinda enzimatik reaksiyon durdurularak KLA duzeyleri spektrofotometrik olarak olculmustur. En yuksek KLA duzeyi 45. dakika sonunda 8.22 µg/ml olarak olculmustur. Elde edilen sonuclar Caecomyces sp. GMLF12'nin linoleate isomerase enzimine sahip oldugu ve bu enzimin hucre yuzeyinde bulundugunu gostermistir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Rumen, Caecomyces, Biyohidrojenasyon, Linoleat izomeraz, Konjuge Linoleik Asit Determination of Linoleate Isomerase Enzyme Activity of Anaerobic Rumen Fungus Caecomyces sp. GMLF12 ABSTRACT: In this study, the presence of linoleate isomerase enzyme was investigated in Caecomyces sp. GMLF12. Linoleate isomerase enzyme enables the isomerisation of linoleic acid to conjugated linoleic acid. Caecomyces sp. GMLF12 isolate was inoculated to different concentrations of linoleic acid-containing media, but the fungi were not developed. Upon this, Caecomyces sp. GMLF12 was grown in glucose containing medium and spherical rhizoids were used as enzyme source. Cells were treated with linoleic acid, and enzymatic reaction was halted at given time intervals and CLA levels were measured by spectrophotometrically. The maximum CLA level was measured as 8.22 µg/ml at 45. min. The results showed that Caecomyces sp. GMLF12 have linoleate isomerase enzyme and this enzyme was found in cell surface. Key Words: Rumen, Caecomyces , Biohidrogenation, Linoleate isomerase, Conjugated Linoleic Acid

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