
Aero-aquatic Hyphomycetes were tested for their ability to survive on beech leaf disks under anaerobic conditions for periods of up to 12 months. Helicodendron triglitziense, H. conglomeration and H. giganteum showed 100% survival, while H. luteo-album and H. hyalinum showed reduced survival. Survival of aero-aquatic Hyphomycetes, Ingoldian aquatic Hyphomycetes and members of the Saprolegniales was also compared on hemp seeds under anaerobic conditions. Aero-aquatic Hyphomycetes showed the greatest percentage survival. Articulospora tetracladia, Achlya colorata (isolate lacking oospores) and Dictyuchus sterilis failed to survive even 3 months. No significant difference was found in the survival of Tricladium splendens from a stagnant drainage ditch and from a fast-flowing river. Only species of Saprolegniales with oospores survived anaerobic conditions.

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