
In European scenario, the potential source for water supply from treated wastewater is actually estimated in 1,100 Mm3/y (EU-ENV, 2015). Anaerobic processes compared with conventional aerobic ones, cause a net reduction of the operative costs and possible reuse for fertigation purposes. The tested anaerobic pilot (HRT 6 h and T 30°C) is constituted from a UASB reactor (16 L). Increment of influent organic loading rate (OLR) was studied for 1 year from 1 to 2 kgCOD/m3/d by feeding raw wastewater (Period 1), methanol (Period 2) and fermented supernatant from cellulosic sludge (Period 3).The biogas production was assessed equal to 0.13 m3biogas/kgCOD (Period 1), to 0.57 m3biogas/kgCOD (Period 2) and to 0.24 m3biogas/kgCOD (Period 3) with methane percentages constant around 33%. UASB effluent has not the final quality to comply limit values for water reuse and fertigation, especially for microbiological parameters. Further treatments could be necessary to achieve the removals of bacteria, such as E.Coli, recalcitrant organic traces and metals. Therefore, some advanced post treatments have been studied in this paper after UASB treatments, like UV disinfection, UV coupled with H2O2 and GAC adsorption. The innovative solution is coupling UASB reactor with anaerobic submerged sidestream AnMBR (UF hollow fiber membrane with 0.03 µm of nominal pore-size and 0.5 m2 of surface area KOCH, Puron single bundle). Membrane cleaning was carried out using sodium hypochlorite solution (400 ppm) each 45 days to remove organic fouling and to recover the initial permeability of the membrane. The average operative flux at process temperature was equal to 8.8±1.9 L/h/m2 and operating TMP of 44.6±8.5 mbar was detected. The removal of E.Coli was investigated in the effluent from UASB and in the permeate from AnMBR process. At clean membrane conditions, complete removal of bacteria (99±1%) was found. Furthermore, the determination of microplastics distribution was carried out both in the experimental anaerobic pilot and in the conventional full scale aerobic treatment plant. The effluent microplastics were quantified and the removal role of the different operative units was studied.

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